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When it comes to our beloved ''good ol' hockey game,'' humour abounds in Canada. The Hockey Joke Book shows you just how funny the sport, its teams and its toothless players can be:Q: What do the Ottawa Senators and the Titanic have in common?
A: They both look good until they hit the ice!Q: What's the difference between the Calgary Flames and a bra?
A: A bra has two cups!Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux and Steve Yzerman all die and meet in heaven. God is sitting in his chair and says to Lemieux, ''Mario, what do you believe in?''
''I believe hockey is the greatest thing in the world and the best sport in history.''
To that God says, ''Take the seat to my left. And Steve, what do you believe in?''
''I believe bravery is the best.''
To that God says, ''Take the seat to my right. And Wayne, what do you believe in?''
''I believe you're sitting in my seat!''Four out of five dentists surveyed recommend playing hockey.Plus so much more hilarity!

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